The Documentary Filmmaker Podcast

Simplicity, Saving Time & Sustainable Success for filmmakers Ep94

March 26, 2024 Sue Collins Season 2 Episode 94
Simplicity, Saving Time & Sustainable Success for filmmakers Ep94
The Documentary Filmmaker Podcast
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The Documentary Filmmaker Podcast
Simplicity, Saving Time & Sustainable Success for filmmakers Ep94
Mar 26, 2024 Season 2 Episode 94
Sue Collins

“Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication”
- Leonardo da Vinci

In the 94th episode of the Moonshine Moonshot podcast, host Sue Collins discusses the beauty of simplicity; an art that is at times overlooked or not considered, but in reality, keeping things simple may just be the key ingredient you need to make things happen.

Do you have a goal in mind but not sure how to achieve it?  The answer is simple - planning. It’s pretty hard to get your production off the ground without a clear plan of what you want to achieve and how. Lucky for you, Sue delves into the formula she swears by to hit those production goals, and shares 5 simple steps that could help save you time, and ensure it’s smooth sailing for your film from the get-go.

Curious about Moonshine Agency? Visit Moonshine Agency for more Impact Films.

What would YOU like to hear about next? We’d love to hear your thoughts and burning questions about the constantly evolving filmmaking industry 🔥 Get in touch on Instagram @moonshinecommunicationsacademy or email us at

📩 Want to stay up to date with the latest? Sign up for our weekly newsletter to get all the inside news and resources to make you the best impact filmmaker in the business (plus, we'll send you our free e-book when you sign up - you’re welcome!)

Find & Follow Moonshine Communications Academy on social:
Facebook: Moonshine Communications Academy Page
Instagram: @moonshinecommunicationsacademy
LinkedIn: Sue Collins [Host] || Moonshine Communications Academy Page [ Company Page]
X: @moonshinecomms

Show Notes

“Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication”
- Leonardo da Vinci

In the 94th episode of the Moonshine Moonshot podcast, host Sue Collins discusses the beauty of simplicity; an art that is at times overlooked or not considered, but in reality, keeping things simple may just be the key ingredient you need to make things happen.

Do you have a goal in mind but not sure how to achieve it?  The answer is simple - planning. It’s pretty hard to get your production off the ground without a clear plan of what you want to achieve and how. Lucky for you, Sue delves into the formula she swears by to hit those production goals, and shares 5 simple steps that could help save you time, and ensure it’s smooth sailing for your film from the get-go.

Curious about Moonshine Agency? Visit Moonshine Agency for more Impact Films.

What would YOU like to hear about next? We’d love to hear your thoughts and burning questions about the constantly evolving filmmaking industry 🔥 Get in touch on Instagram @moonshinecommunicationsacademy or email us at

📩 Want to stay up to date with the latest? Sign up for our weekly newsletter to get all the inside news and resources to make you the best impact filmmaker in the business (plus, we'll send you our free e-book when you sign up - you’re welcome!)

Find & Follow Moonshine Communications Academy on social:
Facebook: Moonshine Communications Academy Page
Instagram: @moonshinecommunicationsacademy
LinkedIn: Sue Collins [Host] || Moonshine Communications Academy Page [ Company Page]
X: @moonshinecomms